In 1969, the Lord led BSBC to purchase their first offset press. The church’s monthly paper, The Pioneer Baptist, began that year and still goes into many homes each month. Read more

The Pioneer Baptist
We began publishing a monthly church paper, The Pioneer Baptist, in October 1969–the name was selected in reference to the church’s rich pioneer history. Spreading God’s Word has always been the purpose of our church paper. We feature messages by different brethren of like faith and order. Download Edition

Mission Bible Conference
Our first Mission Bible Conference was held in November 1982. That conference was a tremendous blessing to our church and to all who attended. Read More

Ladies Fellowship
Each August, sisters from area churches meet with us for a time of fellowship and feasting on God’s Word. The special speaker, singing, a lunch meal, and small group discussions (centered around each year’s theme) are enjoyed tremendously by the ladies.

On Thursday nights, church members go door-to-door in the nearby neighborhoods to leave a tract and church information. Also many members faithfully visit the elderly and shut-ins.

Vacation Bible School
In June of each year, Bryan Station members prepare Bible lessons and crafts, for our annual VBS–we have classes for all ages, infant to adult. The emphasis is always on the presentation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, including Bible memorization and expounding the Holy Scriptures. Food, games, and singing are also part of the fun of VBS week.

Salvation Station
On a Friday and Saturday in July our church hosts an overnight camp for grades 1-8. Because presenting the Gospel is always our primary focus, the theme remains the same every year; The Way, The Truth, The Life – John 14:6. Several devotions are given by members of our church over the 24-hour period.

Lighthouse Ministries
The Lighthouse Ministries, Inc., is a non-profit that serves men, women, and children of Kentucky. BSBC partners with Lighthouse Ministries, and their Dining With Dignity Lexington outreach, to provide a meal to the homeless one evening a month.