The Bible is the inspired Word of God without error as originally written.
The Genesis account of creation and the fall of man.
Total depravity.
All are lost unless born again.
We are saved by grace through faith and without works on the part of man.
Repentance and faith are inseparable graces and that all who do not repent and believe are lost.
In the security of the believer.
Faith without works is dead.
All who have repented and believed should confess the Lord and follow Him in baptism and begin to seek to do His will.
Jesus Christ organized a church while here on earth during His personal ministry (before Pentecost), and that He gave that church a commission in Matthew 28:19, 20
There are two church ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
The church is local, visible, and that she has the Bible for her one and only and all-sufficient rule of faith and practice.
The way to finance the Lord’s work is by tithes and offerings.
All churches should be missionary.
The pre-millenial second coming of Christ.
Heaven is a real place and that Hell is a real place.
The Trinity of God, and that the Devil is a person, and that there will be two resurrections, one of the just and one of the unjust.